
About SuperAlbert.com.au



Super Nerd

SuperAlbert.com.au was founded in 2021 in an attempt to answer many of the practical questions people have related to superannuation. While there are many great resources available related to financial advice regarding superannuation, there's a clear lack for the simpler, more practice questions. Questions such as what is a usi? Why do I need a compliance letter? Where do I find my member number? What seems basic still requires an answer, and that answer needs to belong somewhere. So we gave them a home.

At present, the website is a a little basic. There is no capacity to add your own answers, or to sign up. But these features are coming in version 2. For now, we're testing the waters, collection questions and determining the level of demand for a full blown community question and answer website. If you're super keen to get involved with answering questions feel free to reach out via email and we can setup an account for you!